Rose Thermos with artist Youssef Al Jarrah
Rose Thermos with artist Youssef Al Jarrah
Luxuriousness in a gown of simplicity
For years, #Rose_Thermos has been the first choice for millions of customers in many countries, sharing them their sweetest times and most beautiful memories.
Nothing more beautiful than family gathering at the table on Ramadan and nothing sweeter than the coffee's taste after fasting hours.. May Allah grant us with blessings and constant gatherings☺️
From dullness of life to spaciousness of desert and beauty of nature Where the purity of air, clarity of hearts & sincerity of smiling With the sound of stories, spirit of originality & aroma of coffee.
Grandparents are the source of experience and wisdom, so grandchildren enjoy learning from them the generosity and origins of hospitality which we inherit, as the generosity of Arab and their hospitality is the title of their originality.
For years, #Rose_Thermos has been the first choice for millions of customers in many countries, sharing them their sweetest times and most beautiful memories.
In all trips and gatherings there are things that you sweeten and make Friday sweeter, and have unforgettable memories